ARCL Five Issues Presentation FINAL


Presentation Transcript

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  • 13.ACHIEVEMENTS World Spiritual Leader Led dialogues with leaders from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to condemn the abuse of religion to justify acts of violence and called for the separation of political from religious activism. This includes:  Organizing interfaith conference in Brussels  Making progress reconciliation of the Orthodox & Catholic Churches with His Holiness Pope John Paul II  Serving as president World Council of Churches, meeting with World Jewish Congress & visiting Israel  Convening conferences and interventions to promote peace and interfaith cooperation  Traveling to Muslim and Christian countries to promote world peace and cooperation.
  • 14.
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  • 16.Protection of Creation
  • 17.Environmental Leader “Green Patriarch” environmental initiatives thru symposia, seminars and summits; addressing religious communities and political assemblies involvement in the Paris Agreement. He has addressed the environmental crisis through seminars and symposia on the seas, including the degradation of the Black Sea, the Danube River, the Adriatic and Baltic Seas, the Arctic and the Mississippi River.
  • 18.Ecumenical Patriarch, Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury call for the Protection of Creation Historic Joint Statement on Climate Change
  • 19.